Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Healer Within

  • Our every thought, word and action is OUR creation. Situations come to us from 
    outside, but our responses are completely OUR choice.
  • People may cheat, betray, trouble me, but the emotions I create are my responsibility. 
    I CREATE my emotional wounds, and I NEED to heal myself.
  • If I say I cannot change my habits, then I am giving myself a negative affirmation and 
    writing a destiny of pain.
  • Past incidents are triggers which we use to create thoughts NOW. We have a choice 
    how much pain we create and for how long.
  • Never be harsh or critical with yourself or compare with others. 
    Acceptance and love is the first step to healing.
  • Do not leave emotional wounds to be healed with time. We become weaker, and 
    vulnerable to more wounds. Resolve the issue and heal the wound.
  • People see us through the filter of their sanskars. It's like the color of glasses 
    they are wearing, they can see us ONLY in that color. This may not be the truth.
  • If we know our qualities and our weaknesses, then we are not dependent on others to 
    know about our self.
  • We should know where we WERE, where we ARE and where we WANT to go on our 
    journey of transformation. No comparison with others.
  • Like others see us through the filter of their sanskars, we also see our self through the labels we put on our self and through our acquired sanskars.
  • Our name, degree  profession, position, are labels that we put on our identity. We use these labels to answer the question 'Who am I?'

  • Ego is attachment to a wrong image of myself. MY body, MY name, MY family, MY degree, everything that was MINE, we called it I, and we forgot the real I.
  • We create an image of who we are and then get attached to that image. When someone says something about the image, we get hurt.
  • I the being is like a diamond, in a velvet box, my body. The beautiful clothes I wear are the wrapping paper, and the attractive ribbons and labels are all that I have acquired. Let me not forget the diamond.