Saturday, September 27, 2014

Being Love

  • If we criticize or hate our self, it blocks our energy of love. To radiate love to all, we need love to flow through us, and for that we need to first love our self.
  • People can protect themselves from our vibrations, but we have to experience it constantly. Our vibrations are the fragrance with which we live.
  • People's thoughts, words and actions towards us are like a gift we receive. What we do with it, is completely our choice. People can criticize us, we can use that criticism either to dis-empower our self or to motivate our self.
  • Complaining depletes our energy because we are thinking about that which is not in our control. Complaining means focusing on the problem and concern is focusing on the solution.

  • Every time we blame people for our reaction, we are re-affirming that we are weaker than the other person.
  • When we lose control over our stable state of mind, we shift from our original quality of peace.
  • Our original qualities of peace, love and happiness, are not being used repeatedly in action, and hence we forget they are our own sanskars. We then start looking for peace in silent places, happiness in objects and achievements and love from people.
  • In every scene of life, we need to make a conscious choice of responding through our original sanskars, instead of the habitual negative sanskars.

  • Our thoughts and feelings create our energy field. This energy field has an effect on our body, on people, on nature and on matter. Our consciousness vibrates into the universe.
  • If our energy field is pure and powerful, everyone will get touched with our pure vibrations. This will help them to emerge their own purity and power. This is the true meaning of blessing people.
  • Conflict in one relationship depletes our power and this affects our other relationships.
  • In a conflict there is an exchange of negative energy between them and us. Let us not look at what they are sending us, focus on sending them pure energy of good wishes. This will heal us and then heal them.

  • When a soul is in the womb of the mother, it is detached from the body and family. In this detached state the soul consumes the vibrations of the parents.
  • The soul entering the womb of the mother has just experienced death and is carrying sanskars of pain of the last birth. The parent's responsibility is to emotionally heal the soul by creating only pure vibrations.
  • The mother should not take any negative information through TV news, violent or horror movies or loud music. The parents should meditate together to create healthy vibrations for the child.
  • If parents create thoughts of anxiety about their capacity to bring up a child or about gender preference, they send vibrations of rejection to the child, and the child feels unwanted.


  • If we think what we have always thought and do what we have always done, then we will get what we have always got.
  • To change our sanskars we need knowledge and power. Only listening and reading good words is not enough to create a change.
  • The soul is mind, intellect and sanskars. Mind creates the thoughts, intellect takes a decision, but only after it repeatedly comes into action, it will become a sanskar.
  • We were doing things so that we could experience peace, happiness and all the qualities of the being. We thought DOING will make us experience the BEING. Truth is we will experience the being only when we express it in the doing.
  • When we give energy to others, we are the first one to experience it. We get while we give to others.


  • A baby does not see people through their labels of relationship, profession or status. A baby is not judgmental or critical about people. Hence a baby naturally radiates love since it has a soul to soul connection.
  • Love flows naturally through us if we remove the blocks created by ego labels, criticism, blame, control comparison and competition. We are shifting from ego consciousness to soul consciousness.
  • Love radiating from us, naturally emerges the original sanskar of love in every soul we interact with. We like going to places and meeting people who have pure vibrations because that emerges OUR own sanskar of purity.
  • We are aware of the love, respect and care which we expect from others, we are aware of what we are getting and what we are not getting. Now we need to be aware of the love and care we are giving to others.


Sunday, September 7, 2014

बुद्ध वाणी

!!! म्रत्यु का भय उसे ना होगा जिसने अपना जीवन बुद्धिमानी से जिया हो ...
येह शरीर तो नश्वर है ... पर मेरी वाणी ...
मेरे सूत्र बन सदैव आप लोगो के पथ को प्रकाशमयी करेंगे !!!