Monday, December 26, 2011

Soul Connection

  • Relationship is an interaction of one person with other person.
  • Issues in relationships exist inspite of right doing and speaking with each other. This is because of lack of righ thinking towards the other person.

  • Good relationships start with right thoughts towards the other person.
  • Whatever we do for the person in relation, it is not for that person's happiness but it is for ourselves.
  • Every action towards a person in relation should precede with self consolation regarding the action. If the result of the consolation is that this action will be for my happiness and I am doing this action with happiness - then only proceed with the action for the other person else don't.
  • Every decision and action in relationships depends on an individula's capacity. So self consolation is the best guide. Hence, we need to increase our inner capactiy to cope with the situation.

  • Avoid "Perfume of negativity" in relationships by good thoughts.
  • Thoughts have to be good irrespective of while with a person or not.
  • Before starting a good relationship with others, we need to have a good relationship with ourselves.
  • Stop blaming others for your current state. Take the responsibility for your current state. It is our thoughts which are responsible for our state.
  • It is we who create our thoughts. External world is just a stimuli. We have the power to choose and create our thoughts.

  • My mind the little baby I am parenting. Its mine and I have the power to nurture it the way I want. 
  • There are lot of things that  have happened in the past for which I have been criticizing myself. But today I stop and I change the way I talk to myself.
  • Look at my thought and gently change it to a powerful affirmation. The past is not in my control but I love myself and I can do this. I have the power. It doesn't matter what the world says. I have the power and I am using this to nurture my self. 

  • The one relationship, which I have ignored and neglected for a very long time. Let me start looking at myself. I the being, creator of every thought and feeling. I now realise that I have the power to change and channelise my thoughts in the direction I choose. There are challenges, there is work to be done, there are situations waiting for me today and in the future. But whenever I think any of them, let me take care that my every thought is clean, positive, and powerful. However big the challenge may be, the outcome I create in the screen of mind is my choice. I am carefully teaching my mind to create a calm and positive response. The only energy that's in my control is me myself. Irrespective of whatever is happening around me, let me remind myself - I can only control myself and focus my attention on that which is in my control.

  • Let us look at one name, which I have been holding on the screen of my mind. My thought - they hurt me, they were wrong, they were unfair, and they are the cause of my pain. I now understand, they had a reason for what they did. I am the creator of my hurt and pain. Today, I choose to create love instead. I am a loveful being. I am a pure being. My every thought in this internal factory is a pure loveful thought. That's the only product I create and I send those vibrations of love and purity to them. Look at the energy the vibrations travel to them. Conflicts dissolve, energy blockage healed, relationships restored.


  • First thing to work upon in building a good relationship with myself is to accept myself as I am. This is followed by approve and empower myself. This is beginning of good relationship with myself and outer world.
  • Let me take this moment to get to know myself. Labels, positions, identities, belief systems - I drop each one of them. Roles and responsibilities, they are just layers I have acquired. As I drop these layers and I ask myself, who I am I? Not the profession, not the relationship, not the responsibility. They are only what I do. Who am I? I start to see myself. Master of this body, the energy that creates, experiences, and expresses - I the being, the conscient energy, the soul, master of this body. I am a pure, peaceful, powerful being. This is my true nature. This is my personality. This is who I am. Whatever may be the situation, whatever others meant to, I am a pure, peaceful, and powerful being. My every response, my every thought and feeling ignites from this consciousness of  purity,  peace, and love.


  • Soul is a package of three things - Thoughts, Intellect, and Sanskars (मन, बुद्धि, और संस्कार).
  • I the soul. Playing the role of the parent. My relationship with my child begins with me. My every thought sends a message, a vibration to my child. Let me take care that my every thought is of acceptance, love, and power. Whatever may be my concerns, whatever may be the pressures - I can't afford to crate a single wrong thought, because my every thought is being consumed by the child. The child grows up consuming my vibrations, my vibrations are the emotional diet of my child. Every thought only of love and understanding.


  • I the being. I am a bundle of thoughts and feelings. Every thought I create, is a vibration that is travelling to the child coming to our family. Our energy is the energy that welcomes the child to this family. Whatever situations I may have, whatever challenges I are there before me - today I will choose I will respond to them in a new way, in a healthy way, which is healthy for me and the child. A new way of thinking and a new way of responding. Because my vibrations influence the vibrations of the child. My every thought arises from the consciousness of purity and love. Theses vibrations travel to the soul and help the soul to heal itself, forget the past and heal the pain. We are nourishing the soul and also helping the soul to heal itself. 

  • Let me detach myself from everything around me and gradually detach from my own emotions. Just being myself. Conscient energy, creating every thought and transmitting to people around me. My thoughts, my belief systems, my vibrations, are transmitting to the children around me. Let me be very careful, because my every belief system creates my destiny and so every belief system of my child will create his destiny. Its my responsibility to empower the soul with knowledge, love, and understanding. Not a single thought of fear, anger, and resentment. Let me be very careful irrespective of whatever the child does - my role is empowerment and which means stability, understanding, and power to change. My vibrations travel to my child.


  • Feeling of rejection created as a child, becomes the sanskar of the soul. Then even in other relationships whether at home, work or friends, the individual tends to feel unwanted.
  • Our sanskars influence our thinking patterns. Every time we respond in the same manner, we are deepening the sanskar. Then the slightest stimlus creates the same response.
  • Our sanskars are the filter through which we perceive every situation, and then create thoughts in response to our perception.
  • Self counselling is to gradually change our thoughts, then our responses to situations will change and thereby changing our sankar. Thoughts, action, sanskar is a cycle.
  • You can't stop the thoughts. But you can replace the thoughts with the good one. So whenever you come across disturbing/bad thoughts create opposite and good thoughts by meditating and consoling yourself.
  • Today's media is trying to control your mind and thoughts. Thus effecting on your attitude and belief systems. Finally on your destiny.
  • Let’s look at the screen of our mind. Scene after scene, actors are playing their part. Let me remind myself, it’s only a drama and every actor is choosing to create according to their role. As I watch them play their role, let me be aware that my thoughts and feelings are my creations. I am the audience, I am only an observer and as I observe let me take care that I am not consumed by those emotions. As I am watching what is happening outside, I also take a moment to watch what is happening inside me and carefully choose only those thoughts and feelings which create happiness and love. As I do this, it’s my first step to becoming a detached observer.


  • Let me look at my family and my field of relationships. With everyone I meet its an exchange of energy. My responsibility is to support, empower, and heal my family. There are challenges, they have pressures. But they are looking at me for love, compassion, and support. Before taking care of them, I need to take care of myself. Let me look at myself in this situation and remind myself, I am the facilitator, a guide - my role is to empower and support, its only a situation and my child will be able to face it and cross it, all that the child needs is strength. Its my role to give him this strength right now. I the powerful being, send vibrations of power and love to my child.

  • Let me look at my journey of life. There are challenges, there are situations, where I have to decide in which direction to move. What is my compass on this journey? The compass which will show me the direction so that I never make a mistake. Its the compass of my core values and principles. In the biggest crisis I just have to stop and check what my compass is showing me and then use that compass of values peace, love, power, truth. I use my compass and as I use my compass I strengthen myself. As I strengthen myself I empower those around me. Just watching me they learn that the compass works and with the compass in hand there will be no doubts, no confusions, and no mistakes. I will be heading in life only towards there where I have decided - a journey of bliss, purity, and happiness.

  • See my relationship. A relationship between I the soul and my child another soul. Its an energy exchange between a soul and a soul. My every thought and feeling is energy that travels from me to the soul and this energy decides the direction in which the soul grows. The self esteem develops, self  respect created, its my vibration which is choosing his direction. Irrespective of whatever they do, my prime responsibility is their development and empowerment and so at every step my response to every situation and even to things that I thought were wrong, its a response of understanding and compassion, that they have a reason for what they are doing. They are right in their own perspective and I respect them.

  • Love, support, acceptance - words that were used but rarely expressed and experienced. Let me today take these words into my field of relationships. People around me will make mistakes. They are on their journey. They have taken decisions and the consequences of the decision have to be faced. My role is to support, guide, and empower. I am on the journey with them. A journey of unconditional acceptance and love. My role is to be a facilitator and a guide as they walk their path. My responsibility to strengthen the soul on the journey. Not decide the path for them. I am there to share not to dictate. I am there to love and support unconditionally.


  • I the soul, creator of every relationship. Let me look at that one relationship where I always felt rejected, where I deserved love, expected acceptance - but always seem to get pain instead when others around are getting what I wanted. Let me try and see the same relationship in a different perspective. Its a karmic account between two souls. A carry forward energy exchange of pain and today I the soul have the awareness that I have the power to change the quality of the energy being exchanged. I do not expect and I do not want, I am now the giver , the sustainer of this relationship. I am a love-ful being, I have the power to unconditionally love and accept them. Its my choice. Let me look at myself with that, however they behave, whatever they say, the energy I send to them is my choice and from today I choose love and acceptance not to be received but to be sent out instead. Let me see myself with them, being the way I am comfortable, doing what I think is right irrespective of how they behave. As I do that I send them vibrations of love and compassion. I heal myself and change the quality of energy being exchanged. The quality of the relationship is my choice and today I begin a new karmic account.


  • Dependency reduces WILL power.
  • I am trying to reconnect to my own self.  I the conscient being, pure and blissful. This is my original nature. My contentment is not dependent on anything and anyone outside. This is who I am. As I see someone around me going through pain I understand my role is to support and empower. But for that I first take care of my own inner state of contentment, remaining stable, I am non-judgmental and I am continuing to give them unconditional respect. I understand that they are in pain and my role is to heal with the vibration of love.


  • Let me bring that one relationship which I have been resisting. I wanted them to change. I wanted them to become the way I thought they should be. Let me bring that person on the screen of my mind. As a detached observer let me try and see them as they are. No labels, no positions, just the being to who I am connected because my relationship is with the soul. Try and see the soul another pure conscient energy that has come into my field of connections. Different way of thinking, different belief systems but originally just like me  - pure, love-ful, and peaceful being. Come into my field so that I can experience another beautiful connection with them. A relationship in which I have to only give - love and understanding. When I the soul connect to another soul its a flow of purity. No fear, no threat, no struggle for power - we are all  the same connected in harmony.


  • Let me take a moment to detach from the environment, the world around me, people around me, detached from my emotions and thoughts and just be with myself. I, the pure conscient being - this is who I am and this is my quality. There are people around me, who are in pain. They are relationships who are very near and dear to me. They need support and understanding. My responsibility - step back from the scene, stand as an audience in the drama and look at the role of the every actor, unbiased, detached. As I stand in the audience, I can see the scene in its right perspective. As I remain connected to my core being, powerful and in control. I send vibrations of love and power to the soul in pain. My stability becomes their strength, my compassion becomes empowerment for them. This is my responsibility in my relationships.


  • Look at all those relationships and situations where the mind is entangled, still looking for answers, unable to take decisions, differences of opinion, conflicting energy. Let me just step back from the scene, detached from my idea of right, ready to LET GO, ready to understand. As an audience seeing the role of every actor and their opinions and ideas. As I let go of my idea I am able to see theirs in another perspective. As I let go I give up my ego and attachment. I am able to understand them. No rejection and no resistance, understanding and compassion. Giving my suggestion but open to the ideas of everyone around me.


  • Watch the drams of our lives. I the actor on the stage with all my co-stars. My family, my colleagues, and friends, the co-actors in my personal drama. As we play this drama of life, I understand that each one of us has our own unique role, unique style of  acting, and a different script. I accept and appreciate that the beauty of this drama is each one of us is different. There are no rights and wrongs, just that we are different. As I watch everyone around me, playing their role, I understand that we are different from each other. I appreciate the way they play their role. At the same time focus attention and concentration only on my role, and my script. That is the only one thing which is in my control. That is the only one thing where I have a choice. I am the creator of my script. The director of my role. I the pure, powerful, peaceful being. This is the personality of me the actor. As I speak every word and enact every scene my personality flows into action.

  • Removing of negative thoughts is realization.
  • Bring on the screen of our mind one relationship where I have cheated, made a mistake, and they have created hurt. Let me bring that soul on the screen of my mind. I understand today that my thoughts, words, and actions were stimulus which cause them to create pain. I, a pure love-ful being. Love is my original property. Love is the energy which heals. Love is the energy which empowers. I the soul sending them this constant vibration of love and purity, healing them. Let me see my vibrations, changing the quality of energy between two of us. Blockages removed, relationships healed. I understand, realise, and transform.

  • Look at ourselves. Master of this body. Creator of thoughts, feelings, our wishes and vibrations. Everything I think and feel are my wishes which travel to people around me. It is a constant flow of energy going from me to them. I understand they may have cheated me, they may have betrayed me, they may have done things which I thought was wrong. But I still have the power to choose what I send them. It is a karmic account which I have with this soul and what is coming to me today  is only a return of what I sent before. Today I the powerful being choose to change the quality of this energy exchange. I choose to change the quality of this karmic account. No more hatred and pain, its only understanding. I understand they are hurt and my love and understanding will help them heal themselves.

  • We have had a lot of relationships in the past. In some of them we have created pain. But today I choose a different way of thinking, I choose to break the old pattern and to heal my wounds. I do not need respect from anyone. Respect is the energy I create and send out. Because I am a pure being, complete and I accept myself as I am. All the pain that was created in the past was my lack of awareness about my own self and I used their words to hurt myself. Today I understand they were not aware of what they were sending me. But now I am aware of what I create and send out to those around me.

  • Number of expectations from everyone around me. I wanted them to be and do what I think is right. I always wanted the world to be according to my control. A new way of thinking, I can choose what I think is right but I also choose to accept the result irrespective. I expect and empower them but remain stable if my expectations are not fulfilled. My expectation are for empowering them not pressurising them, irrespective of what they do and how they behave. My respect remains constant, unconditional. Because I respect the soul, I may not approve of the act, the words, but my respect for the soul, remains constant.

  • I the being, conscient energy. I am a love-ful being. Love that feeling for which I was searching outside. Stimulants, people, objects, I searched everywhere. This is me. I am love. I am complete. As I experience this, I understand that its my property that I transmit to people around me. Its a feeling which I transmit to souls around me. Its not something which I want, ask for or dependent on. Its my natural Sanskar and I can create this in the presence of everyone. Because this is who I am. As I know myself, I send vibrations of love to all the souls in relationships around me. I send vibrations of love to souls all over the world. Because I the soul, I am in connection through the energy of love.

  • Look at our journey. My values, my principles, and my journey in life - this is my choice. My truth and my power of conviction gives me the strength to walk my path. Souls around me could be sending me all kinds of energy but I am sure of the road I have taken. At the same time, I understand what they are going through. I understand they are in pain and I empathise with them. I understand they need healing and they are doing what they are doing only because they have forgotten who they are. I send them vibrations of love and power. I am protected by my own truth and purity. Try and visualize a shield of white light all around me, nothing can permeate this, I don't absorb energies which are around me, I radiate energy to them.

~~ Om Shanthi ~~

Source: Brahma Kumaris

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

तार मन कि तुम्ही से जुडी ही रहे

तार मन कि तुम्ही से जुडी ही रहे,
आत्म ज्योति सभी कि जगी ही रहे,
आरजू है यही  कि तेरी गोद में, बाबा हसती हर एक ज़िन्दगी रहे ||

हो ह्रदय में नहीं बदले कि भावना,                                   
सब के खातिर सदा हो ये शुभ कामना |
उरमे प्रभु प्रीत सबके  बसी ही रहे,
बाबा हसती हर एक ज़िन्दगी ही रहे ||

विश्व सारा हमारा ये  अपना ही घर, 
सबके हम, सब हमारे ही आये नज़र | 
हर डगर फूलों से यूँ सजी ही रहे,
बाबा हसती हर एक ज़िन्दगी ही रहे ||
तार मन कि तुम्ही से जुडी ही रहे ||

भूलें भटकें उन्हें पास लाना हमें,
जो मिला है उन्हें भी दिलाना हमें |
ये लगन दिल में हर दम लगी ही रहे,
बाबा हसती हर एक ज़िन्दगी ही रहे ||

तार मन कि तुम्ही से जुडी ही रहे,
आत्मा ज्योति सभी कि जगी ही रहे,
आरजू है यही कि तेरी गोद में बाबा हसती हर एक ज़िन्दगी रहे ||

तार मन कि तुम्ही से जुडी ही रहे||

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Moral Science

Currently we have so much negativity and conflict of values in the society. This leads to negative sanskars and impaired personality. These negative energy are so influential that we are growing with so many wrong belief systems.

Now, to circumvent all these wrong belief systems and install a pure and original belief system, we need to put an extra effort. My point here is, just before having wrong belief systems, why can't we start our life with right and pure belief systems. So this leads us to the starting point of learning "The School".

In our school days we used to have classes, usually on weekends, dedicated to morality in daily life, although it was not in the top priority subjects. The subject was named "Moral Science". Currently, not sure how many schools do have this kind of subject in their curriculum. The aim of this subject was to scratch good sanskars on the clean canvas of the children. This would have ultimately led to the good character and personality of a being. According to me "Moral Science" should be the top priority subject in all schools irrespective of cast, creed, and region.