Saturday, November 29, 2014

आऒ फिर से दिया जलाये

आओ फिर से दिया जलाये
भरी दोपहरी में अँधियारा, सूरज परछाई से हारा
अन्तरतम का नेह निचोडें, भुजी हुयी बाती सिलगायें 
आओ फिर से दिया जलाये, आओ फिर से दिया जलाये

हम पढ़ाव को समझें मंजिल, लक्ष्य हुआ आँखों से ओझल
वर्तमान के मोह जाल में आनेवाला कल न भुलाएं
आओ फिर से दिया जलाये, आओ फिर से दिया जलाये

आहुति बाकि, यज्ञ अधूरा
अपनो के वीग्नो ने घेरा
अंतिम जय का वज्र बनाने, नव धधिच हड्डिया गलाने
आओ फिर से दिया जलाये, आओ फिर से दिया जलाये

- श्री अटल बिहारी वाजपाई

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Being Love

  • If we criticize or hate our self, it blocks our energy of love. To radiate love to all, we need love to flow through us, and for that we need to first love our self.
  • People can protect themselves from our vibrations, but we have to experience it constantly. Our vibrations are the fragrance with which we live.
  • People's thoughts, words and actions towards us are like a gift we receive. What we do with it, is completely our choice. People can criticize us, we can use that criticism either to dis-empower our self or to motivate our self.
  • Complaining depletes our energy because we are thinking about that which is not in our control. Complaining means focusing on the problem and concern is focusing on the solution.

  • Every time we blame people for our reaction, we are re-affirming that we are weaker than the other person.
  • When we lose control over our stable state of mind, we shift from our original quality of peace.
  • Our original qualities of peace, love and happiness, are not being used repeatedly in action, and hence we forget they are our own sanskars. We then start looking for peace in silent places, happiness in objects and achievements and love from people.
  • In every scene of life, we need to make a conscious choice of responding through our original sanskars, instead of the habitual negative sanskars.

  • Our thoughts and feelings create our energy field. This energy field has an effect on our body, on people, on nature and on matter. Our consciousness vibrates into the universe.
  • If our energy field is pure and powerful, everyone will get touched with our pure vibrations. This will help them to emerge their own purity and power. This is the true meaning of blessing people.
  • Conflict in one relationship depletes our power and this affects our other relationships.
  • In a conflict there is an exchange of negative energy between them and us. Let us not look at what they are sending us, focus on sending them pure energy of good wishes. This will heal us and then heal them.

  • When a soul is in the womb of the mother, it is detached from the body and family. In this detached state the soul consumes the vibrations of the parents.
  • The soul entering the womb of the mother has just experienced death and is carrying sanskars of pain of the last birth. The parent's responsibility is to emotionally heal the soul by creating only pure vibrations.
  • The mother should not take any negative information through TV news, violent or horror movies or loud music. The parents should meditate together to create healthy vibrations for the child.
  • If parents create thoughts of anxiety about their capacity to bring up a child or about gender preference, they send vibrations of rejection to the child, and the child feels unwanted.


  • If we think what we have always thought and do what we have always done, then we will get what we have always got.
  • To change our sanskars we need knowledge and power. Only listening and reading good words is not enough to create a change.
  • The soul is mind, intellect and sanskars. Mind creates the thoughts, intellect takes a decision, but only after it repeatedly comes into action, it will become a sanskar.
  • We were doing things so that we could experience peace, happiness and all the qualities of the being. We thought DOING will make us experience the BEING. Truth is we will experience the being only when we express it in the doing.
  • When we give energy to others, we are the first one to experience it. We get while we give to others.


  • A baby does not see people through their labels of relationship, profession or status. A baby is not judgmental or critical about people. Hence a baby naturally radiates love since it has a soul to soul connection.
  • Love flows naturally through us if we remove the blocks created by ego labels, criticism, blame, control comparison and competition. We are shifting from ego consciousness to soul consciousness.
  • Love radiating from us, naturally emerges the original sanskar of love in every soul we interact with. We like going to places and meeting people who have pure vibrations because that emerges OUR own sanskar of purity.
  • We are aware of the love, respect and care which we expect from others, we are aware of what we are getting and what we are not getting. Now we need to be aware of the love and care we are giving to others.


Sunday, September 7, 2014

बुद्ध वाणी

!!! म्रत्यु का भय उसे ना होगा जिसने अपना जीवन बुद्धिमानी से जिया हो ...
येह शरीर तो नश्वर है ... पर मेरी वाणी ...
मेरे सूत्र बन सदैव आप लोगो के पथ को प्रकाशमयी करेंगे !!!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

बुद्ध वाणी

 !!! तीन सत्य हैं जिन्हें जन जन तक पहुचाना हैं ... 
उदार ह्रदय, दयालु वचन, सेवा में अर्जित जीवन और करुणा... 
ये ही तीन मंत्र मानवता का नवनिर्माण करेंगे ... !!!

Monday, August 25, 2014

बुद्ध वाणी

!!!  कितने भी धार्मिक ग्रन्थ पढ़ लो,
कितना ही उन्हे कंठस्त कर लो … 
यदि वो तुम्हारे जीवन के क्रित्य ना बने 
तो समझना कुछ भी नहीं किया … !!!

Monday, August 18, 2014

बुद्ध वाणी

!!! धर्म और संघ हम सब के अंतर में है …
जागने की क्षमता बुद्ध है …
जाग के जिस पथ पर चले वो धर्म है …
और अपने पुरे मन को एकत्र करना संघ है …
ये तीन रत्न हम सब के अंतर में ही हैं !!!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

बुद्ध वाणी

!!! जीवन का रहस्य है भय से मुक्त होना …
कल क्या होगा … तुम्हारा या मेरा क्या होगा  …
किसी पे निर्भर ना होना …
जैसे ही भय को अस्वीकार करोगे पूर्ण मुक्ति मिलेगी !!!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

बुद्ध वाणी

!!! इस शरीर रुपी जन्म मे ही नही … 
शरीर के पश्चात वाली यात्रा मे भी …  
जैसा कर्म होगा वैसा ही फल होगा … !!!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

बुद्ध वाणी

!!! आत्म मुक्ति के तीन चरण है ...
शीलाचार, ध्यान और ज्ञान , शीलों का आचरण करने से
ध्यान साधना बढ़ती है, ध्यान साधना से ज्ञान का उदय होता है
जिससे शीलों का गहन आचरण करना संभव होता है…
इससे हमें लोभ, क्रोध और अज्ञान से मुक्त होकर
आत्म मुक्ति, शांति और आनंद की प्राप्ति कर सकते है… !!!

Monday, July 21, 2014

बुद्ध वाणी

!!! करुणा से ही हम दुसरे जीव की पीडा समझ सकते है।
उसका दुःख दूर कर सकते है। 
हम कितनी भी पुण्य की बातें पढ़ ले कह ले.… 
जब तक वह आपके अपने कृत्य न बन जाये …
तब तक कोई लाभ नहीं !!!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

बुद्ध वाणी

!!! व्यक्ति का मन ही है उसका सबसे बड़ा शत्रु है। 
जो उससे अनुचित कार्य करवाता है। 
हम जो सोचते है उसका ही परिणाम बनते है। 
अच्छा विचार अच्छा परिणाम देता है। 
बुरा विचार बुरा परिणाम। ये पृकृति का नियम है।  !!!

Monday, July 7, 2014

बुद्ध वाणी

!!! जोश से भयंकर कोई अग्नि नहीं ... 
घ्रणा से भयंकर कोई जानवर नहीं... 
अविवेक से बढ़कर कोई जाल नहीं... 
लालच से बढकर कोई बाधा नहीं... !!!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Only Infinite is True else is Illusion!!!

Got struck with following thought which I wanted to share:
Only Infinite is True else is Illusion!!!
Let us pause and ponder on infinity for a while.
Let us consider following which are generally agreed to be inifinite:

Time - Time is eternal. We don't know neither its beginning nor its end.
Space - Same as time, we don't know its boundaries.

If we extend this to general human values such as:
Love - which is infinite irrespective of space and time is TRUE else it is illusion.
Knowledge - which survives the test of infinite time and hence it is TRUE else it is illusion.
Relationship - which survives the test of infinite time and hence it is TRUE else it is illusion. I could think of, the relationship with the supreme can only bear the test of infinite time and nothing else!
Peace - absence of disturbance is peace. Disturbance is a creation which is finite. Hence, Peace is infinite and TRUE.
 Happiness - sorrow is a creation out of situation which is finite. Hence absence of sorrow is happiness. Thus it is infinite and TRUE.

For me it seems this can be extended to any human value and many other things.

बुद्ध वाणी

!!!  जीवन मरण हर मनुष्य के जीवन कृम है.... 
 यदि हम  चैतन  हो पूरे  विधान को समझे ....
तो हर दिवस ऐसा जीवन जी सकते है....
 जहाँ  शांति, सदबुद्धि, आनंद 
संतोष का सर्वदा वास होगा  .... !!!

Monday, June 16, 2014

बुद्ध वाणी - 8

 !!! सत्य के मार्ग पे चलते हुए, 
दो भूल हो सकती है ...
पहला पूरा रास्ता तय ना करना...
और दूसरा... उसे आरम्भ ही ना करना !!!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

My Read: Chanakya, The master of statecraft

   It seems we Bharatiya (Indians) have revolt, reign, and renounce in our blood stream. May be we inherit from sages who believe in Brahmacharya, Grihastha, Vanaprastha and Sannyasa.

    In history of India, the kingdom of Magadh  and its time period has played crucial role. It has produced kings of valour and sages of wisdom. Kings like Bimbisaar, Chandrgupta Maurya, Ashoka to name a few. Buddha, Chanakya lived in that age.

     Both Chanakya and Chandrgupta (teacher and disciple) fought with wit and valour against all of their enemies, especially Dhana Nanda of Magadh. Thus they dethroned him and Chandrgupta initiated the Maurya dynasty. They expanded their territory in west as far as till today's Afghanistan and in east till Assam.

   When everything was in place in Magadh,  a severe famine struck the kingdom for couple of consecutive years. People of kingdom were in despair in search of food and water. Mighty Chandragupta's all backup plans for food for his citizens were going in vain. Thus forcing him towards spiritual journey to pray for his kingdom. He renounced his kingdom went towards Sharavanabelgola as part of his spiritual quest. He chose to do fast unto death as prescribed in Jainism. 
    Here, Chanakya too after completion of his great work Arthashastra, chose to do fast unto death. Finally, the thought which passes is Revolt - Reign - Renounce. Is it true till today? 

   Happy reading.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

बुद्ध वाणी - 7

!!! जिस क्षण तुम्हारे अंतर में ये भाव उत्पन्न हुआ की 
तुम पाप कर रहे थे ,
उसी क्षण तुम्हारे स्वयं अपनी मुक्ति के मार्ग पर
पहला पग धर दिया है !!!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

बुद्ध वाणी - 6

!!! सौन्दर्य  अनित्य है ... 
इसलिए भाव बोध से मुक्त पुरुष ,
न सुन्दरता से सम्मोहित होता है ,
और न ही कुरूपतासे विरक्त !!!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

बुद्ध वाणी - 5

!!! अज्ञान ही सारी विषमताओ की जड़ में है।
अज्ञान  न पूजा न वृत  न चढ़ावों से समाप्त होता है।
अज्ञान  केवल धयान से दूर होता है !!!

Photography - May

Capturing the flame - Amazed to see the multiple layers of brightness!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

बुद्ध वाणी - 4

ये संसार जिसे हम यथार्थ मानते हैं दुःख और पीड़ा का क्षण भंगुर खेल है|
जो जन्मा है उसकी मृत्यु निशचित है | 
यही सृष्टि का नियम है ||

Friday, May 16, 2014

Buddha Revisited

    We have heard repeatedly about the ideals of our ancestors. Did we really taken time to ponder over these and inquired about their relevance in present time? As many, I have heard about Buddha and his teachings. May be I studied them as part of my high school studies. Over the time, the same knowledge and the principles give better meaning and make more sense. Thus it is better to revisit them time and again. Hence this short post.


    According to Hinduism, Buddha is ninth avatara (incarnation) of Lord Vishnu. As Lord Krishna says in Bhagvad Gita:

[Ch. 4.7]
Yada yada hi dharmasya 
glanir bhavati Bharata |
abhyutthanam adharmasya
tad'atmanam srjamy adham ||

 Whenever there is decline of Dharma and ascendance of Adharma, then, O scion of the Bharata race! I manifest (incarnate) Myself in a body.
     Around 2500 years ago, a baby boy born to King Shuddhodhan and Queen Mahamaya of kingdom of Kapilavastu in ancient India. Like other holy ancestors, he was also born in an unusual place, it was in Garden of Lumbini.
Great sage Asita muni predicted with firmness that Siddhartha is going to become saint in future. Fearing that his only son will renounce everything and become saint, king Shuddhodhan decided to keep him away from all pains and sorrows of the world.  Pains and sorrows of the world create a sense of awakening and reveal the impermanence of material world.

    Young Siddhartha got married to Yashodhara. They were blessed with a baby boy, named as Rahul. But fortune had stored something different for Siddhartha. After a round trip across his kingdom with his charioteer Chenna, he got to see the impermanence of material world in the form of disease, old age, and death. He got to know that these come to everyone irrespective of religion and position of a living being. This arose lot of questions and worries inside Siddhartha."Need is the mother of invention" seems to be equally true in spiritual quest. Thus started quest to find answers to the sorrows and worries of the mankind. He renounced everything and started his spiritual journey.

   It is believed that Siddhartha undergone training of meditation under renowned sages of his time. But he couldn't find the eternal truth through all these practices. With firm decision, he sat under Pipal tree for meditation and decided not to get up until he gets the eternal knowledge. During this time, it is believed that he faced tortures from maya of greed, kama, ego etc. Nothing could stand before his firm quest for truth. One fine day as Sun was rising in the east, he got eternal knowledge. Thus Siddhartha became Buddha (One who is perfect, enlightened and do not get disturbed by anything).

[Ch. 5.27-28] 
Sparsan krtva bahir bahyams
caksus c'aiv'antare bhruvoh |
pran'apanau samau krtva
nas'abhyantara carinau ||

munir moksa parayanah |
yah sada mukta eva sah ||

Excluding all sense perceptions; fixing the look between the eye brows: steadying the flow of Prana (out-going breath) and Apana (incoming breath) through the nostrils; controlling the senses, mind and intellect; devoid of desires, fear and anger; and aspiring for liberation alone - a meditative sage is liberated for ever.

Vietnamese Buddha temple, Paris, France


    After getting enlightenment, Buddha started to spread his learnings among the masses. Highlight of theses teaching was its simplicity to understand and daily implementation. Thus it penetrated the masses across South-East Asia.
Buddha never dictated any God to follow or never projected himself as one. He always emphasized on the need to understand and follow his eternal learnings.

Following are his simple and eternal teachings. Although each point needs to be paused and pondered over.

Four  noble truths

  1. Life has inevitable suffering
  2. There is a cause to our suffering
  3. There is an end to suffering
  4. The end to suffering is contained in the eight fold path

Noble eightfold path

May be in another post will cover Buddha teachings in more detail.

 All comments are welcome.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

बुद्ध वाणी - 3

!! अंधविश्वास किसी पर मत करना 
चाहे वो धर्म ग्रन्थ हो या किसी महानुभाव का कहना
जब तक वो तुम्हारी अपनी बुद्धि और विवेक की
कसौटी पर खरा ना उतरे !!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

बुद्ध वाणी - 2

चार आर्यक सत्य है...

1. जब तक सृष्टि रहेगी, दुःख मनुष्य के साथ छाया की तरह चलेगा...

2. इस दुःख का कारण है, वस्तु से अपने को पकड़ के रखना... जो वस्तु क्षणा भंगुर  है... तो मार्ग  क्या हो ?

3. मुक्ति के लिए विवेक जगाना आवश्यक है - स्वयं को केन्द्रित रखो. जो आये चाहें दुःख  की सूचना या आनंद की परछाई उसके बिच स्वयं को स्थिर रखो.... 

4. इस मार्ग पर दुःख के बंधन टूटेंगे और परम सत्य की उपलब्धि होगी...

Sunday, April 27, 2014

बुद्ध वाणी - 1

हर दिन के पल को चेतना में जियो, जो पीछे चला गया उसका न राग मन में हो,
न  ही आने  वाले कल के सपनो की नींद में डूबे रहो,
इसी  छ्ण अर्थात सचेत अवस्था में पूर्ण जियो !!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Being Bliss

  • 10% of conflict is due to difference in opinion and 90% is due to wrong tone of voice. Raise your words, not your voice.
  •  The first step to transformation is not to justify your negative emotion, but to take personal responsibility of having created it.
  •  When we justify our emotion, we blame others for it. We then expect them to change and do not find the need to change our self.
  •  To change any habit we need to answer three questions. WHY should I change? HOW do I change? and most important Do I WANT to change? Unless the WANT to change is there, the HOW to change will not get implemented.
  •  Law of Attraction does not mean YOU GET WHAT YOU WANT, it actually means YOU GET WHAT YOU ARE. Our thoughts and words are what we are, these vibrate to the universe and we get them back. 
  •  WHAT YOU ARE is a soul carrying - sanskars and karmic accounts. So what we are going to get will be according to our sanskars and karmic accounts. Thoughts create destiny, is always true for the soul, whether in this costume or an earlier one. Costumes msy change but the thoughts created then will still create our destiny.
  •  Destiny is created according to our qualities and skills of the present and also karmic accounts of the past. Even if we are not getting the desired result, do not let any of the present qualities and karmas decline. If we create jealousy, insecurity, anxiety, then we are creating a negative present.
  •  Accept the past carry forward and keep yourself strong and motivated in the present. If the present remains powerful and positive we will gradually settle the past, and create beautiful karmas which will influence our present and our future.
 To be continued...

 Source: Being Bliss

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

संग्राम ज़िन्दगी है

संग्राम ज़िन्दगी है, लड़ना उसे पड़ेगा.
जो लड़ नहीं सकेगा, आगे नहीं बढ़ सकेगा.
इतिहास कुछ नहीं है, संघर्ष की कहानी.
राणा शिवाजी भगत सिंह और झाँसी वाली रानी,
कोई भी कायरो का इथिहस क्यों पड़ेगा.
जो लड़ नहीं सकेगा आगे नहीं बढ़ सकेगा,
संग्राम ज़िन्दगी है, संग्राम ज़िन्दगी है.

Monday, January 6, 2014

My Read: The Journey Home

This book is an autobiography of a yogi and saint Radhanath Swami. It is a story of a 18 year old american teenager Richard who traveled from Chicago, USA across Europe and Middle East and finally to India, in search of true love of God and inner satisfaction.
He narrates his insightful journey from Chicago to India, covered in almost 6 months of time. What a journey it was! Journey composed of meetings with intellectuals, saints and seers, near to death circumstances and above all positive insights drawn from every event he came across.

 Finally, Richard found goal of his life in Bhakti Yoga and guru in his holiness Srila Prabhupada of ISKCON.

I don't want to steal the suspense by narrating more on this.

For sure, reading this book itself is a great journey. This book is a treasure for a seeker irrespective of his field of work.
Great journey comes to an end to start another!

In one sentence the essence of this book is

"If a person does not have an ideal he's ready to die for, he has nothing really meaningful to live for."